HSU – Helmut-Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg


The Laboratory of Production Engineering (LaFT) at the Helmut Schmidt University (HSU) in Hamburg researches and develops innovative principles, methods, and technologies in four key areas: microproduction, robotics and automation, value creation systems, and new materials. Within LaFT, the New Production Institute (NPI) emerged from the interdisciplinary research group “Value Creation” and is involved in various projects dealing with the transformation of value creation systems against the backdrop of new possibilities for networking and production in times of digital transformation in collaboration with research and industry partners.

Since 2020, the interdisciplinary NPI team has been researching and developing new types of urban value creation systems, focusing on open-source hardware, user innovation, and distributed manufacturing. The establishment and research of distributed and open production workshops of so-called OpenLabs in various contexts (such as Textiles, Plastic, Food, MedTec, and others) and the development of the OpenLab Starter Kit (an open source set of eight machines for FabLab and OpenLab) contributes to enabling a data-driven circular economy through global collaboration and local production in the Hamburg metropolitan region. The close cooperation with Fab City Hamburg e.V. and over 30 research partners from various disciplines and the range of expertise from mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology to design and value creation theory, knowledge and social economics, participation research, economic geography, and law make the network particularly valuable.

Our role in the project

Work Package 2 leader for the digital and physical infrastructure for LAUDS manufacturing,  HSU analyses and develops a technical infrastructure for LAUDS factories using open source principles like open-source hardware designs and open-source machine tools, the integration of Digital Product Passport (DPP) solutions and predictive maintenance capabilities.

  • Analysing the existing technical setup of the LAUDS Factory case-settings
  • Identifying gaps in the technical infrastructure with the ideal definition of a LAUDS Factory deriving from Work Package 1
  • Providing a set of generic technical solutions considering open source licensing and standards like DIN SPEC 3105
  • Enhancing the physical and digital layer of the LAUDS Factory case-settings

Additionally with the strong link to the Fab City Hamburg network, HSU is accompanying the Open Call projects in Hamburg.

Our expertise

As a think tank for the future of value creation and production, the experts at the HSU / NPI are involved in various projects dealing with the transformation of value creation systems against the backdrop of new possibilities for networking and production in times of digital transformation. In particular, this involves:

Open production - the principle of “openness”
Our research focuses on the operationalization of the principle of “openness” in new forms of value creation.

Open Source - New patterns of value creation
Open source is freely accessible software and hardware whose source code and instructions can be viewed, modified, and used by third parties. Open source can usually be used free of charge.

Open Mind - Interdisciplinary networking
Thanks to numerous memberships in scientific associations, the Institute can draw on many years of international and interdisciplinary project experience.

In this way, a dynamic development environment comes together in Hamburg.