open call #1

LAUDS Exploration

The LAUDS Exploration Open Call aims to fund and support the collaboration and co-creation relationship between artists/creative people and technology providers and end-users, through artistic experimentations following the spirit of the New European Bauhaus.

LAUDS Factories invites artists/creative people and technology providers to submit proposals for Experiments aimed at exploring and working with LAUDS factories to enhance their usability and uptake, while answering to pressing challenges in the mobility, energy and agriculture/food production sectors. The project has 240.000 EUR to provide support to at least 6 Experiments that will be collaborating with LAUDS Factories in activities such as conceiving novel uses of technologies that help push for green solutions, and/or exploring alternative design methods using artistic practices creating new industrial models connecting potential manufacturers partners, creatives and end-users. These activities should provide answers to proposed challenges by the three LAUDS Factories with which the selected hybrid teams are to cooperate.

Entry details


Artists/creative individuals and technology providers to collaborate on experiments enhancing LAUDS factories' usability and addressing challenges in mobility, energy, and agriculture/food production sectors


Proposals must be submitted by 12th August 2024 at 17:00 (CET)


240.000 EUR to support at least 6 experiments collaborating with LAUDS Factories


Proposals must be submitted by a consortium composed of a minimum of 2 legal entities, with at least one artist/creative and one technology provider. Entities must be established in an EU or a Horizon Europe Associated country

Assessment Criteria

Evaluation criteria include

  • technical approach
  • art-tech congruency
  • innovation potential and impact
  • technical capacities
  • cost-benefit analysis

Additional Information

for further information and guidance

Webinar Open Call 1

Check the video recording here

Catalogue of challenges

The main objective is for hybrid teams to explore and work with LAUDS factories to enhance their usability and uptake, aligned with the wider scope, challenges and specific applicable conditions.

Download the catalogue

The catalogue presents the challenges proposed by  the three LAUDS Factories of as part of the exploration phase and related to pressing matters in the mobility, energy, and agriculture/food production sectors. Activities proposed by the hybrid teams when submitting their application should provide answers, including products or solutions, to these  challenges.

Application form

This link will be the entry point for the submission of all proposals to this open call. Any proposal submitted through other channels will be automatically rejected.

Apply here

Call for proposal & Guidelines for Applicants

These documents provide the relevant information regarding the Open Calls for proposals for the LAUDS Factories project.


Complete the Application Form, including the Technical Annex and the Budget Template. These templates need to be downloaded, completed, and uploaded in PDF format.


These FAQs provide a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of the LAUDS Exploration Open Call, helping potential applicants understand the requirements, process, and expectations associated with their proposals.

  • Who can apply to the LAUDS Factories Open Call?

    The Open Call is open to professionals from various fields interested in working with LAUDS factory models. This includes artists, designers, creatives, architects, technology providers, interdisciplinary teams, research institutions, universities, startups, SMEs, and environmental and sustainability experts.

  • How can I apply to the Open Call?

    First, you need to access the open call options here. After carefully reading them, you should complete the technical proposal annex, application form as well as the budget and upload them in PDF format.

  • When is the application deadline?

    12th of August 2024 at 17:00 CET

  • Can I apply multiple times to different LAUDS Factories Experiments?

    Yes, multiple applications can be submitted but only one will be funded in case of selection.

  • What are the selection Criteria for the LAUDS Exploration Open Call?

    Eligible applications will be evaluated based on four criteria: - Technical approach & Art-Tech congruency - Innovation potential and impact - Technical capacities - Cost-benefit analysis Each criterion will be scored from 0 to 5, and a minimum score of 3 is required for each criterion for the proposal to be considered for funding.

  • How is the payment handled?

    Each experiment should not exceed 40K €, with 40% being granted upon grant signature, another 40% after interim assessment and the last 20% being settled upon deliverable/expected outcome.

  • How many Open Calls will LAUDS Factories have?

    LAUDS Factories will have 2 Open Calls, the first one regarding Exploration and the second one regarding Replication.

  • Am I allowed to present my own project for the LAUDS Factories Exploration Open Call?

    No. Applications should only be presented to tackle the LAUDS Factories presented challenges.

  • Can Applicants be from the same country?

    Yes, applicants can be from the same country.

  • Do the proposals have to be carried out in the same location as the experiment?

    Yes, the experiments must be carried out on-site.

  • Is there a limit (or suggested) number of partners for the composition of the consortium?

    No, it’s up to each consortium to define the number of members, but the amount granted will aways be the same.

  • Is Subcontracting possible?

    Yes, it’s possible to subcontract but it should not be the main focus of the experiment, as it intends to promote direct collaboration among partners in the Hybrid Team.

  • What is the definition of Start-up?

    "Startup" can be defined as a newly established independent company or business venture that is typically characterized by its youth, innovation, high growth potential, a small entrepreneurial team, and a focus on disruptive or technology-driven solutions. Further information:

  • Is there a minimum of partners to apply?

    Yes, in order for you to apply to the Open Call, there needs to be a consortium composed of a minimum of 2 legal entities, one of them being from a creative background (e.g. artist/architect/designer) and the other a tech provider.

  • What is a Tech Provider for LAUDS Factories?

    We see Tech Providers as for-profit legal entities, including start-ups, SMEs, and Midcaps established in an eligible country (Eligible Countries include the Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions, and associated countries included in the following list )

  • Can a FabLab be considered a Tech Provider?

    Yes, as long as it brings relevant industrial/technology expertise.

  • Are public Institutions eligible as Tech Providers?

    Yes, as long as they are for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations are not eligible.

  • How can I access the eligibility of an Artist?

    An Artist refers to either an SME, a Slightly Bigger Company, a Mid-Cap registered under NACE Code ‘9003 Artistic creation’, or a self-employed individual (freelancer) who undertakes artistic activities as a profession/job occupation, such as a performer, a designer, a composer, an architect, a writer, etc.

  • What is the timeframe for the LAUDS Factories Experiments?

    The Open Call has a minimum duration of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months. It is up to each consortium to define the timeframe needed to carry out the experiment.

  • What is the expected fidelity of the implemented solution?

    Although the solutions are not expected to meet market-ready criteria, they should be demonstrated at the end of the experiment.

  • Is it expected for applicants to live at the site of the experiment, or can they travel back and forth between the locations of the experiment and home?

    Yes, it’s possible to travel back and forth, it is up to each participant to use the Grant in the most convenient manner.

  • Are there any interviews in the selection process?

    No, the selection process will only consider the written applications.

  • Who can I contact in case of further doubts?

    Queries about applications can be sent by email to